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Altamarea essentially deals with the production and sale of three types of products: smoked salmon, smoked yellow fin tuna and smoked swordfish (in natural or flavored variants). Altamarea follows all stages of production: from procurement to cutting, from dry salting and smoking of the fish, up to their packaging and shipping. The peculiarity of the company is the attention paid to the smoking process of salmon, tuna and swordfish, which involves the use of a unique technique, cold smoking. After the salting operations by hand in the salting cell, the fish is in fact smoked at low temperature following the hanging technique.

Project financed with PO FESR Sicily 2014/2020. “Axis priority 3. Action 3.4.2”

"Incentives to purchase internationalization support services"

European Union Italian Republic Region of Sicily PO FESR Sicily 2014/2020